Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Pixel Painting

The first time I found Wit and Whistle was on Pinterest and I was inspired to try the pixel painting. I finally finished it last night, and I think it looks pretty good! I spent a long time trying to pick the perfect picture to pixelate which was a bit frustrating and probably unnecessary after all. After I finally picked one, I tweaked it using Lightroom to give the colors better contrast. Then, I bought my supplies and followed the instructions. I ended up zooming in on the picture on my computer and sitting at my coffee table, looking over to see which color block was which.
I had no experience mixing colors, so it was good that it didn't matter what colors went where! I used white, blue and brown to make gray, which was the hardest to get right. I'm sure there's a better way but I just winged it and it turned out ok enough!
Thank you Wit and Whistle for the great inspiration!

The next project I'll take step by step photos. I need to get in the habit of having my camera ready at all times. Tonight I made a delicious frisee salad with strawberries and goat cheese and forgot to take pictures. I don't know how anyone with a full time job has time to blog!

But anyway it turned out great (as do all the Martha Stewart recipes I try) and was very simple, given you have a handy Whole Foods to buy the fresh ingredients. I used fresh thyme from our indoor garden and used fresh goat cheese, which was melt in my mouth heaven. That's one more thing I can add to the list of food-items-I've-recently-tried-for-the-first-time-and-liked. I just turned 24, and I've been thinking about how far I've come since 23. I realized I love trying new foods, and I'm trying to convince my boyfriend he feels the same. Still working on that.
So far I've tried (and forced him to try)-

1. Crab- Basically a carrier for butter.
2. Tilapia- I never liked fish until I made my own at home. Turns out it's great covered in breading.
3. Ricotta cheese- Tastes like dessert. The first time I tried it I ate it straight out of the plastic container.
4. Curry spices- Still trying to condition my taste buds, but pretty good with some rice and garlic naan.
5. Broccoli- Who knew all vegetables taste good if you roast them??
6. Brussel Sprouts- See: Broccoli
7. Scallops- Still getting used to the idea, but again, carrier for butter.

I think the moral of the story is that gross foods you never liked can be good if you just cook them yourself or figure out how you like them prepared. I discovered I love trying new foods and restaurants that serve fresh, local food. And I grew up hating seafood, spices, and hamburgers. I've come a long way.

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