Sunday, April 15, 2012

Grow Your Own Scallions

I read somewhere recently that you can re-grow scallions from the left over bulbs. All you have to do is put them in water in the sun and voila! So I tried it, and it works amazingly! I may eventually plant them, but I like how they look sitting in front of the window.

This is a picture after about a week.

Growing scallions
They grow so fast! 
Scallions 3 days later
My beautiful roses on the other window sill.

Oh, and I finally framed and found a spot for my pixel painting, on our ledge. 

I also got some cute little prints and cheap frames from Ikea to put up there, so it's starting to look less bare! 
I think it'd look good with a big, old anchor in the corner, with some old rope. Or maybe stacks of antique books... I need to check out some antique stores in the Heights.

View of our ledge above fish tank

I bought some more watercolor paper and drew this rain drawing. I like how it turned out, but I don't know what to do with it. I don't want a house full of Janet's blue-toned beginner watercolors. I'll keep it in the spiral book for now.

Rain watercolor

And now for Kris' newest drink!

Pomegranate Mojito

3 oz spiced rum
2 bunches mint
1/2 lime
1 oz simple syrup
1.5 oz pomegranate juice
Ginger ale

1. Muddle mint and lime
2. Add rum, syrup, juice. 
3. Stir with ice
4. Pour ginger ale to fill 1/3 of rocks glass.
5. Add rum mixture. Enjoy.

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